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La Petite Maison Verte

La Petite Maison Verte: August 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Are you hungry yet?

Sorry I haven't posted any recipes in a LONG time! The truth is, B and I started on P90X and because of the (relatively) strict diet involved, I haven't been doing any cooking or baking!! Quel nightmare, I know! The diet isn't too bad, as in I'm not ever hungry, but it's absolute torture to not be allowed to exercise my creativity in the kitchen. I almost want to bake and just send the goodies to work with B but I don't think I'm ready to face that kind of temptation (read: I don't think I'd last one second with any sort of fresh baked treat in the house, no matter how "delicious" the chocolate protein shakes are).

So until the 90 days are up, (or I decide to give up on it altogether), start looking forward to posts about my other loves: fashion, design, travel, etc.

P.S. B is taking me to MAINE for labor day!! I'm so excited!! Already researching restaurants and things to do while we're there and in the Boston area for a few days too.

Stay strong and carry on

xoxo J

Friday, August 13, 2010

Bon Weekend!

If you need a little inspiration for the weekend, here it is...

Bon Weekend!

Photo from

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Three sisters

My sisters are my best friends, beautiful inside and out. Each one of us is unique but we are so similar in many ways. Even though we live far apart, we share a common bond that can never be broken. And when we're together, though it may be infrequently, it feels like we were never separated.

I love this photo of of three sisters in nightgowns. And I love my sisters :)

Photo from

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

J’Aime Mon Carré

J'aime Hermès!! I love "J’Aime Mon Carré"!

I happened upon this little website and found such inspiration in the gorgeous designs of the Hermès scarves and the unique style of each of the beautiful women wearing them!

Le sigh....

a few of the new designs....

and a few of the gorgeous ways to wear your Hermès....

Are you inspired yet?

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Monday, August 9, 2010

Feature: Je l'aime

I love knobs. Um...if you're from the UK that is going to sound bad, but if you're American you know what I'm talking about.

B and I visited World Market this weekend when we made the trek to Wilmington. They had the cutest selection of hooks and knobs. I think changing up the hardware on furniture pieces or the simple addition of a decorative hook can help you add a touch of whimsy or class to a kitchen, room or hallway.

Fork, Knife, Spoon hooks from World Market. $4.99

Blue ceramic knobs from World Market. $4.99 for 2

Swirling Seas Knob from Anthropologie. $12

Tin Roof Switchplates from Anthropologie. $18-$24

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Summer Shindig

We had a lovely summer barbecue this weekend, complete with plenty of fresh delicious food, cold beverages, lawn games and some of our really great friends. Unfortunately, my camera was not in service during the barbecue (B and I were a little busy grilling, preparing the food table and enjoying the company of our guests) so I have no pictures to share.

We were so LUCKY that Mother Nature cooperated this weekend because for a few hours there things were touch and go! We thought we might have to reschedule the party because it looked like it would be pouring rain but fortunately it cleared up just in time!

One of the desserts I have had bookmarked for a while is this recipe for Dulce de Leche Cheesecake Bars. There was definitely some work involved with these but they were so delicious that I'd say they were absolutely worth the planning and time spent.

photo from Bon Appétit - I think mine turned out a little thicker

You can follow the link above for the recipe. I didn't make any changes except that I substituted reduced-fat cream cheese for a portion of the full-fat version and I used fine sea salt to top the bars (rather than Fleur de Sel, which I didn't have).

The recipe makes a 9x13 pan of cheesecake, so I recommend sharing it....or don't. I won't judge you :)

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Feature: Je l'aime

I feel that in addition to my lovely recipes that I share on this blog, I'm going to start sharing other things I love. I'll call these posts Je l'aime because they're things I love and I think you'll love too!

recycled glass lanterns from West Elm

On sale $9 each!

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